Welcome to osTicket Reloaded Code Central. The place for developers and end users to work with the source code, get a copy, discuss future enhancements and much much more!
More about usWelcome to osTicket Reloaded Code Central. The place for developers and end users to work with the source code, get a copy, discuss future enhancements and much much more!
More about us04 July 2011
More content added to code.osticket-reloaded.com
26 May 2011
First code.osticket-reloaded.com template changes made
osTicket Reloaded is based on osTicket and was created to create an improved osTicket that would support a ticketing system in multiple language. We are currently well underway with the support of English, Spanish, Brazilian, Dutch, Italian, Russian and Arabic. Furthermore osTicket Reloaded intends on being the most user friendly OS helpdesk system in the world with an easy 5 minute installation and easy templating system so you can give your company the best onlinesupport system ever.
To make osTicket Reloaded stand out more we are currently working on creating this coding central site as well as a general website for OS Ticket Reloaded. We are also planning a complete house style overhaul. But in the short term we will of course focus on the core, which
We are currently looking for a freelance designer for code.osticket-reloaded.com and osticket-reloaded.com as well as the osTicket Reloaded OS Helpdesk CMS. We need a new template and logo design for our support site as well as our product osTicket Reloaded. We are looking for a freelance designer for a general template and logo design. If you are interested in creating:
don't hesitate to e-mail me at jasper {a} gmail.com !
NB All work is volunteer based work. All future design work for clients who desire a custom osTicket Reloaded CMS will be paid for.